Site Evaluation

Often referred to as a 'perc test', this investigation assesses septic system options on your property.

The goal of the evaluation is to locate the deepest usable soils on the property.  This generally corresponds to the lowest system installation costs.


Our evaluation normally starts with a meeting to identify project goals, property boundaries and potential site constraints.  We then walk the site, evaluate vegetation, topography and drainage patterns and dig a series of soil log holes to assess usable soil depth and texture in potential drain field areas.  Next, we record hole details and location.  Finally we generate either on opinion letter or annotated sketch summarizing system options allowed under County regulations.

Mitchell Septic's data collection is typically performed with a Total Station, which allows us to precisely layout system components to determine the maximum septic system capacity of the property.  This is critical on small lots and complex environments and provides better options on larger parcels.

Septic Design

Mitchell Septic generates a septic system design based on the Site Evaluation for submittal to the County Health District for their review and approval.